Oceans of Knowledge

Oceans of Knowledge

As we head towards the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development we have an unprecedented chance to raise the importance of ocean observations and technologies in enabling the blue economy and in identifying and mitigating future risks to ocean uses. 

The Oceans of Knowledge conference series considers the operational use of ocean observations and technologies. Now in its third edition, the 2019 conference will focus on the specific role of ocean observations in identifying and mitigating future risks to ocean uses and facilitating a sustainable blue economy. 

High growth ocean uses will be considered throughout the morning, with presentations on autonomous shipping, open water aquaculture, marine mining, and offshore wind. During the afternoon, discussions will explore the future direction of technologies which will play a key role in enabling future sustainable ocean use. These talks will discuss communication at sea, advanced sensors, earth observation, expert systems and machine learning, and robotics and automation. See the full programme here.   

Why attend?

Oceans of Knowledge has an interdisciplinary focus and will be of interest to representatives from industry, academia and government. Particular benefits are anticipated for technology and service providers wishing to understand their future markets. By incorporating a mixed programme with both a conference and workshop style, this event will provide a unique opportunity to debate how ocean observations can best support future sustainable ocean use.

Register for Oceans of Knowledge 2019.

Event Properties

Event Date 11-20-2019
Location The Royal Institution